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 We All Say NO 2 Fakes! 
Education campaign about Intellectual Propertytargeting children

Education to legality is an important part of children’s education. Knowing law prescriptions, rights and duties is an essential citizenship skill. Consumer choices, furthermore, have an high impact at individual and social level.

Intellectual property is not a very well-known topic amongst adults an it’s almost unknown to children and youths in general. It has a low prominence on mass media, in spite its increasing importance in the digital environment.


The “We All say NO 2 FAKES” campaign is aimed at making children understand how important it is to protect intellectual property, in order to ensure progress in the scientific and medical research, in technology, in the cultural production, but also in fashion, design, entertainment etc. With no or poor protection, these sectors’ activity will fall down, involving job loss and challenging the economy.


By enlightening the links with everyday life and experiences, the campaigns teaches children:

  • How to distinguish original from fake products, what are the differences and the risks for consumers, what is the impact on society, how the organized crime makes a business with fake products;

  • What is piracy, why everybody should fight against it, what are the risks for users of illegal contents (music, movies, software, videogames, sports events…), how to access legal contents offered for free or at a low cost.

Children are invited to create educational messages targeting their peers, by starting laboratory activities.

Teachers are provided with simple, mono-thematic file cards on the various IP topics and some didactic tools and materials. The “We All say NO 2 FAKES” campaign carried out in Italy created a lot of materials: some of these have been translated into English for easy availability, but all of the others are at disposal of every subject whishing to carry out its national campaign, for free and with no restrictions to reproduce it (please just acknowledge the source and leave the EUIPO logo unchanged).


We invite you to access it and have a look at the training material for teachers, at the education materials and tools for children, including 5 attracting cartoons and 2 more short videos, besides games and survey tools to test childrens’ awareness and knowledge.


We hope you’ll find the campaign interesting and the material useful: Adiconsum is fully available to support you in creating your national campaign, also by providing you with the graphic layout of materials if needed. 

For more information and support please contact

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